Friday, October 9, 2009

So busy!

I'm sorry it has been a while since I have posted. We have been so busy, yet there really hasn't been anything too major going on.

Steve is recovering from the flu (not H1N1) just the regular flu. Fortunately for Kevin and I he was sick while on a business trip to Houston, so we didn't get sick. But unfortunately he was stuck in Houston. And I know I would much rather be sick at home rather than some other place.

Kevin's vocabulary has just grown in leaps and bounds in the last two weeks. He can name most animals, and some cartoon characters- Diego- Dora- Boots- Max & Ruby- and Wow Wow Wubzy. And of course he still loves his Fresh Beat Band, but we don't watch it very often. It has turned into his "crack" he still wakes up from every nap and every morning asking for it. If you give him one show he will beg the rest of the day and will melt down if he doesn't get his way. He has also fallen in love with Elmo. I swear he sees an Elmo from a one mile radius. We walk in a store and he will see an Elmo balloon, book, toy, even cookies! He's everywhere. For Kevin's birthday we are having an Elmo party, he is going to love it!

He has also begun starting the terrible two stage. He gets really upset when he doesn't get his way and just plops down on the floor. It is usually followed by screaming and crying. He really doesn't like it when I just let go of his hand, scoop him up and just leave where ever we are. But I think he is beginning to realize this tactic won't really work on me.

Kevin is also a huge fan of counting now. It began as just 1-2-3, now it is 1-2-3-4-5-6 9-10 he still hasn't grasped 7 or 8. He has also learned to actually count not just say the numbers. We have this Elmo book (his favorite) that is about counting. We read it about 15 times a day. Thankfully it hasn't gotten old yet :-)

He is also loving to dance, wear his sun glasses, and unzip everything! Including his pajamas. He also likes to dress himself. And undress himself. Usually he does the undressing in the middle of the night. I go in and find him in just his diaper. Or he will just pull his arms out the neck and have the shirt wrapped around his torso.

Next week Kevin and I are going to check out a tree farm in Elgin. They have a great pumpkin patch and a petting zoo. I'm sure we are going to have a blast. I'll try and post photos soon. :-)

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