Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kevin's One Month Birthday Pictures

On Thursday, Kevin Celebrated his One Month Birthday.

You can see more pictures at our Picasa Web Album.

Time flies!

It is amazing just how fast time flies. I can't believe Kevin has been with us for over a month now! At his one month doctor's visit he weighed in at 10 pounds and 9 ounces, he is now 21 1/2 inches long. Our little guy is getting bigger every day!

We also had a wonderful Christmas. Kevin was able to meet alot of his extended family, although he seemed to sleep through much of it. :)

Kevin is now also beginging to sleep longer at night, which makes me very happy! We still are getting up at 3 and 4 in the morning to eat, but afterwards he is usually content with cuddling until he falls back asleep.

He is still getting pretty upset each evening around 6pm, but if you are holding him he doesn't get as upset. But if you put him down he will let you know just how unhappy he is.

On Kevin's one month birthday Steve did take some photos. The photos were taken during Kevin's fussy time, so it was a bit difficult to get some of them. But after a few hours and a much needed bottle he settled down.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

2 weeks old

Today is Kevin's 2 week birthday. We went for our pediatrician visit, and Kevin weighed in at 9lbs which is 1 lb over his birth weight!


Kevin Meets Santa

This weekend, Kevin visited santa.

More pictures available on or Picasa Web Album

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

One Week Old

Today, Kevin is one week old.

You can see more pictures at our Picasa Web Album

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Updated photos of Kevin

I've posted some pictures of Kevin in our Picasa Web Album.

From Kevin Patrick...

We're home!

We checked out of the hospital yesterday, and Kevin spent his first night as his new home. And, by spent the night, we mean crying most of the night. He's still a little uncomfortable since he was snipped just yesterday. He's doing much better this morning.

We took a bunch of pictures (~400), but we'll need to select the very best and post to our photo album. We also have about an hour of high definition video of his first bath and his arrival at his new house. I'll see what I can do to post some video clips.

Thanks for everyone that sent their best wishes.

Amy, Stephen and Kevin

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

And we are off!

We are off to the hospital! We are really looking forward to meeting our newest addition. Wish us luck!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Doctor update

Well we had our last official Doctor's appointment today. The next time we see them it will be when Baby Mitschke is born. No major updates today, I haven't progressed any further than last week and the baby is measuring around 7lbs 14oz.

We are still hoping that he will come on his own, but if not our induction is officially scheduled for next Tuesday (11/27) at 8am.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Latest baby update

Hi everyone,
I had another doctor's appointment this morning. Everything is looking great. I am still dialated 3-4 cm and my cervix has thinned out 100%. The doctor also stripped my membranes.

Steve and I did talk to the doctor the baby coming on his own accord, or inducing labor. We decided that we will wait and let him come on his own. But if he does not come by Tuesday, November 27th then he will be induced on that day.

So we do know for sure that Baby Mitschke should be here sometime in the next two weeks.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Doctor Update

I had another Doctor's appointment today and everything is looking good. I am dilated 3 to 4 cm and my cervix has thinned out 90%. Baby Mitschke weighs about 7 1/2 to 8 pounds! The Doctor says he should be here any day now. If he waits until next week she wants to talk about inducing labor.

We are really excited that our little guy may be here any day now!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween
from Amy, Stephen
and the Baby!

See more pictures at
our Picasa Web Album

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dr appointment

I had another Dr's appointment today and things went well. Here is what we found out: I am 2-3 cm dilated, my cervix has thinned out 80-90%, the baby is sitting really low, and he weighs about 7lbs. the doctor did say that she wouldn't be surprised if he came any day now and went over all the details on when to come in. I am having several contractions through out the day, but none have been consistent.

Pretty much we have everything done around the house that we need to bring him home. Now it is just the waiting game and both of us are trying to get as much work done as possible so we can take time to spend with the baby when he gets here.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Baby Facts

I know many inquiring minds want to know what is going on so here a few little tidbits.

~ We don't have a name for the baby yet, we are still calling him Baby Mitschke, we have come up with a short list, but haven't finalized any names yet. Hopefully we'll have a name before he comes home from the hospital. :)

~The baby will be born at the North Austin Medical Center (St. David's)

~ Things are progressing wonderfully and our due date has not changed from November 15th.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This is an email written to your Daddy.

They didn't measure me so I don't know if I am further dilated or not. She said it looks like the baby has fully dropped. She guesses he is about 6 1/2 lbs. She says loosing the plug this early is normal. the lightening pain I have been feeling is actually his skull hitting my pelvic bone, which is normal too.

They do perform the circumcision 24 hours after he is born. I am going to continue to swell, she recommends me putting my feet up at all times.

:) Amy

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baby update

This is the second ultrasound we had. It looks like all is well and he is progressing wonderfully. They also did take one 3D photo of him! Right now they are estimating him to be about 6 1/2 lbs. I am 1-2 cm dilated and cervix has thinned out to 50%, the baby has also begun dropping, he is about half way there. It is hard to believe he should be here 3 weeks from today!

Monday, September 17, 2007


We have completed the nursery! We decided to go with a neutral celestial theme and to decorate the walls with hand drawn photos of the Peanuts that Amy's grandfather drew. Along the top of the room we painted orange, yellow and white stripes. Three walls are a soft green and the wall behind the crib is a slightly darker green. We really like the way it turned out.

Baby Mitschke

Baby Mitschke is scheduled to arrive around November 15, 2007. We are very excited to welcome this new bundle of joy into our lives! We are currently very busy trying to get everything ready for him to come home.