Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I am officially Momma!

For 18 months and 13 days I have been looking forward to hearing Kevin say "Momma". Yes, I have been counting! In the past he would say "Mama" it but it meant Banana. Then he began saying "ummy" which we thought was Mommy. But it really meant "yummy". On some random days he would say "Ommy" but the next day he wouldn't say it. And I was never sure what it really meant.

Well this Sunday he began saying Momma, and it sounded like he meant me. I figured on Monday he wouldn't say it again. But he did say it again. Usually when going down for a nap or to bed. Well today he continued calling me Momma, so I think I can officially say he is calling me!

I am so excited. He has said "Daddy" for over a month now so I was hoping my name wasn't far behind.

To date here are the words Kevin says: OK, Banana (Nana), Blueberry, Thank you, Night Night, Bye Bye, Up, Down, Kitty, Ball, Ball (this one means balloon), eye, bath, Yea!, car, NO, Peas (meaning Please), cup, uk (means book), More? More!, Bailey (the cat), baby, cookie.

For sounds he likes to Meow, say Woof Woof, Cock a (doodle doo, we have to add that part), Baa like a sheep and Roar like a Lion. Sometimes he will Moo like a cow.

I know there are more, but that is all I can think of right now.

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