Monday, March 2, 2009

15 month checkup

Kevin and I had his 15 month check up today. He is doing great! He weights 25 pounds, he has slightly lost weight, but that is due to his active nature. He is also 30 1/2 inches tall, growing 1/2 an inch in the last 3 months.

He really hated to get weighed, in fact he cried and screamed and wouldn't let go of me or the nurse. In the end we had to weigh me holding him and then just me to get his weight, so the 25 pounds is fairly accurate but not as accurate as the electronic scale. He also really wouldn't stay still for them to measure his height, so that may not be too accurate either. :-)

They did run a little blood work because last time we were there and he was sick he was a bit anemic. The good news is that he isn't anemic anymore. They figured he was probably anemic then because he was sick.

It is my goal to get some 15 month photos posted soon.

1 comment:

  1. He's a big boy! I liked the 15 month pictures that you posted of him. I also thought the bubble pix were cute. I haven't tried bubbles yet with Sydney... frankly I am afraid of her eating them! LOL
