You really LOVED your pacifier, and the attachment was getting to be too strong. You didn't need it anymore so for your second birthday we ditched the paci. We decided to do it the day after your birthday party since that was a celebration and more memorable than
I had many ideas on how to ditch it. 1. was to have you give them away to little babies who would need them. But I was really afraid you would see a baby with one and take it away. 2. was to have you physically throw them away. But I was worried that you would go fishing back in the trash to get them. 3. So we decided to just go cold turkey. I grabbed all of them put the in a ziploc bag and put them in the top of your closet in the way back. That way neither of us could get to them. :-)
The first night 11/22 went fairly well until you woke up at 4am screaming "Mine! Pacifier! Mine! Sucker! Mine!"
The second night 11/23 was a little more difficult you didn't go asleep nearly as quickly and throughout the night I would hear you say "Mine, Pacifier"
Naptime on day three was probably the hardest. By this time you hadn't been sleeping well for days and you were really cranky.
Thankfully everything seemed to go back to normal after about a week. And to help I got you a reward of a stuffed Cookie Monster. One of your favorite characters.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
A very happy birthday!
Today Kevin officially turned two. It was exactly 2 years ago right now that I first saw Kevin. He was born at 9:55 pm and I first saw him at 10pm. He was so tiny, and pink.
And now he is running around like a little crazy man!
To celebrate his birthday I began the day by walking in his room singing Happy Birthday. I must have been pretty funny, because he just laughed at me. For breakfast Steve made blueberry pancakes, Kevin's favorite. We took him to play at Hoppin Hippo, his new favorite place. He had a great time. In the afternoon we let him watch his favorite tv show, The Fresh Beat Band (he calls them Go Go). And Steve burned him a CD of the Fresh Beat songs, so the rest of the evening he kept saying Go Go, more Go Go Please.
It is amazing how much he has grown in the last two years. I really can't believe two years have gone by. The future is going to be awesome!
And now he is running around like a little crazy man!
To celebrate his birthday I began the day by walking in his room singing Happy Birthday. I must have been pretty funny, because he just laughed at me. For breakfast Steve made blueberry pancakes, Kevin's favorite. We took him to play at Hoppin Hippo, his new favorite place. He had a great time. In the afternoon we let him watch his favorite tv show, The Fresh Beat Band (he calls them Go Go). And Steve burned him a CD of the Fresh Beat songs, so the rest of the evening he kept saying Go Go, more Go Go Please.
It is amazing how much he has grown in the last two years. I really can't believe two years have gone by. The future is going to be awesome!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A Thanksgiving Day funny.
Today has been pretty busy, and I will post pictures later (left my camera at my Mom's house). But today we had a pretty funny moment. As most of you know we are University of Texas football fans and Steve graduated from UT. And my mom went to two Texas A&M system schools. So she considers herself an Aggie.
While at dinner we were all laughing at Kevin repeating what everyone was saying. So my mom looks at Kevin and says "Kevin say Gig 'em". Instead of saying it, he smiled and stuck up his middle finger at her. We all bust out laughing.
Now please don't get the wrong idea, to my knowledge Kevin has never seen anyone flip the bird. And it certainly isn't something we do. But the timing was too funny! And it just reinforces that Kevin will be a little longhorn. :-)
While at dinner we were all laughing at Kevin repeating what everyone was saying. So my mom looks at Kevin and says "Kevin say Gig 'em". Instead of saying it, he smiled and stuck up his middle finger at her. We all bust out laughing.
Now please don't get the wrong idea, to my knowledge Kevin has never seen anyone flip the bird. And it certainly isn't something we do. But the timing was too funny! And it just reinforces that Kevin will be a little longhorn. :-)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Kevin has hit a new phase, and while doing research, I came across this. It fits Kevin perfectly!
Ahh the joys of toddlerhood. :-)
If I like it, it's mine.
If it's yours, it's mine.
If it's in my hand, it's mine.
If it's in your hand, it's mine.
If it looks like it could be mine, it's mine.
If I've EVER come in contact with it, it's mine.
If I can touch it, smell it, see it, taste it, hear it or think about it, it's mine.
If it's mine, it must NEVER appear to be yours in any way.
It it's mine, it's mine FOREVER.
Ahh the joys of toddlerhood. :-)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Kevin's Birthday party.
Kevin will officially turn two this Friday, but since it falls on Thanksgiving weekend we celebrated it this weekend. Kevin had a great party! The theme was Elmo/Sesame street since he is a huge Elmo fan. Despite the wet cold weather everyone came out and helped us celebrate. The kids didn't seem to mind the weather and had a blast playing in the backyard.
Kevin really had a lot of fun. He wasn't too sure about us singing him Happy Birthday though. At Andy's party last weekend he really seemed to enjoy it. So I was really surprised when he began crying when we sang the "Happy Birthday dear Kevin" part. I think it was a combo of everyone looking at him and singing at the same time. But right after we were done singing, he was all good and ready to eat cake. :-)
Kevin did an amazing job at opening his presents. I really expected him to open one and go off to play with it, or for other kids to help him open them. But instead he opened them all himself. And he didn't really stop to play, but instead he was really excited to open them all himself.
His friends and our families were so very kind and Kevin got a TON of new toys. He is crazy about his puzzles, new train, and the little people barn. The play-doh and the doodle pad are also huge hits. Especially the play-doh, although he doesn't really like it when we tell him he isn't supposed to eat the play-doh. :-)
Here are a few photos, when I am able to I will post a video of us singing him Happy Birthday.
And I want to sincerely thank everyone for coming out and helping us celebrate. We are so very glad you could join us!
One of the women from my Mom's group did this cute presentation with pears and writing the food name on a piece of paper and sticking it to the pears. I loved the idea and it got me thinking about making little Elmos. I think they turned out pretty well.
All the kids loved chowing down. I think the fruit platter was the biggest hit.
My mom got a good workout at the party. Kevin loves being pushed around in his little car so my Mom was awesome and oblighed. I think they both had a blast.
Kevin checking out all the food. But what he really wanted was one of the Elmo apples. He was really wanted to eat Elmo's nose. :-)
My amazing nephew Daniel loved the cookie monster headband.
Jonathan was the eldest of all the kids, but he had a blast playing with all the little kids. But even he had to escape. So he stuck his head in the activity cube. Such a sweet, silly boy.
Kevin's birthday cake.
Getting ready to light his candle.
Opening presents!
All the presents have been opened and Kevin was ready to PLAY!
Kevin really had a lot of fun. He wasn't too sure about us singing him Happy Birthday though. At Andy's party last weekend he really seemed to enjoy it. So I was really surprised when he began crying when we sang the "Happy Birthday dear Kevin" part. I think it was a combo of everyone looking at him and singing at the same time. But right after we were done singing, he was all good and ready to eat cake. :-)
Kevin did an amazing job at opening his presents. I really expected him to open one and go off to play with it, or for other kids to help him open them. But instead he opened them all himself. And he didn't really stop to play, but instead he was really excited to open them all himself.
His friends and our families were so very kind and Kevin got a TON of new toys. He is crazy about his puzzles, new train, and the little people barn. The play-doh and the doodle pad are also huge hits. Especially the play-doh, although he doesn't really like it when we tell him he isn't supposed to eat the play-doh. :-)
Here are a few photos, when I am able to I will post a video of us singing him Happy Birthday.
And I want to sincerely thank everyone for coming out and helping us celebrate. We are so very glad you could join us!
Monday, November 16, 2009
2 year photos
Last week Steve and I took Kevin to Portrait Innovations for his birthday photos. We had a great time! They did an amazing job and for the most part Kevin was on his best behavior. They took over 100 photos and there is now way I can post them all here. So here is a slide show of the photos they took.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Andy's birthday party.
When I began my Mom's group a year and a half ago I met a dear friend, Leslie. It turns out that Leslie and I graduated from Carroll H.S. together. Her close friend Jenny and I wrote for the school newspaper, and my dear friend Charlie and her were on swim team together. We thought it was a neat coincidence to meet each other, for what may be the first time (we aren't sure if we met in HS or not). But found it very interesting that her son Andy, and Kevin shared the same due date (11/15/2007). Andy was born a day early, while Kevin was 12 days late.
Well this weekend we were invited to Andy's birthday party and to help him celebrate turning two. Kevin had a blast at his party. Leslie had planned a little bug hunt for the kids. I didn't think Kevin would actually participate (the draw of the playground was really strong!) but to my surprise he did. And he found 27 of the plastic bugs. Even when we came home he wanted to play with the little bugs, he likes to count them and put them in his little bug jar. He can only count to 10, so when he gets to 11 he just starts back at 1.
Leslie and her husband David also made the cutest cupcake cake made in the shape of a caterpillar. It was so cute, I wish I would have gotten a photo of their handiwork. Kevin loved eating the cupcake, well actually he really loved the frosting. :-)
Andy's party was held at one of the local parks and playground. Kevin loved riding on the roundabout. At first he sat in the middle and just held on, but slowly he would get closer to the edge. He loved it so much he actually managed to climb on it while it was still moving. He did have one minor incident on it though. Some girls began to spin it and he wasn't holding on, so he just flipped off it. He landed face first and did a minor cry, until he realized it was spinning without him. And then he wanted them to stop so he could get on. He is such a resilient little guy.
We had a lot of fun!
Kevin taking a spin on the roundabout.
Holding on and giggling as they kept going faster and faster. With every spin he seemed to slide further and further toward the edge.
A frosting goatee from his cupcake.
Well this weekend we were invited to Andy's birthday party and to help him celebrate turning two. Kevin had a blast at his party. Leslie had planned a little bug hunt for the kids. I didn't think Kevin would actually participate (the draw of the playground was really strong!) but to my surprise he did. And he found 27 of the plastic bugs. Even when we came home he wanted to play with the little bugs, he likes to count them and put them in his little bug jar. He can only count to 10, so when he gets to 11 he just starts back at 1.
Leslie and her husband David also made the cutest cupcake cake made in the shape of a caterpillar. It was so cute, I wish I would have gotten a photo of their handiwork. Kevin loved eating the cupcake, well actually he really loved the frosting. :-)
Andy's party was held at one of the local parks and playground. Kevin loved riding on the roundabout. At first he sat in the middle and just held on, but slowly he would get closer to the edge. He loved it so much he actually managed to climb on it while it was still moving. He did have one minor incident on it though. Some girls began to spin it and he wasn't holding on, so he just flipped off it. He landed face first and did a minor cry, until he realized it was spinning without him. And then he wanted them to stop so he could get on. He is such a resilient little guy.
We had a lot of fun!
Fun times!
The last week and a half have been a blast for us. A week after Halloween is my birthday and it is becoming a tradition that we celebrate by going to Wurstfest in New Braunfels. I have gone every year since I moved back to Texas, except two years ago when I was 9 months pregnant with Kevin, I sat that year out. :-)
This year we had a blast as usual. We were very lucky to have great friends join us which makes it even more fun. We did have to hunker down for a while due to it raining, but it didn't really dampen our spirits, although I think it did ruin my mom's shoes. Sorry Mom! :-)
We had a good time listening to music, eating a ton of food, drinking a few beers, and just hanging out. Kevin really liked riding the carousel, he got to ride it twice, the second time he wanted to keep riding, but it was raining and we were getting ready to head home.
Kevin was also really happy to get his first beer. Yea, you read that right, but it isn't what you think. When we first got there it was lunch time so we got sausages and beers. Well Kevin knows what a beer is so he asked my mom for some. She let him stick his finger in the top of her beer. He never actually tasted it, just let it drip down his fingers. But after that he wanted to stick his fingers in everyones beer. But when we were walking by one of the booths they had these little stuffed beers. A few years ago when Steve went to Oktoberfest in Germany he had brought me back one, and at Wurstfest they had little mini ones. Jokingly I thought it would be funny to get Kevin one, so my Mom did. He got a little beer keyring that sings and then belches. You can see it in many photos. He wanted to carry it everywhere.

Steve won Kevin a little elephant and a fish. When he got them he had to give them "hugs".
One of the guys working the carnival rides gave Kevin one of the little balloons. He had a blast playing with it.
Slow dancing with Mommy.
Chillin with Grams.
Hanging out with Daddy and holding his stuffed beer.
This year we had a blast as usual. We were very lucky to have great friends join us which makes it even more fun. We did have to hunker down for a while due to it raining, but it didn't really dampen our spirits, although I think it did ruin my mom's shoes. Sorry Mom! :-)
We had a good time listening to music, eating a ton of food, drinking a few beers, and just hanging out. Kevin really liked riding the carousel, he got to ride it twice, the second time he wanted to keep riding, but it was raining and we were getting ready to head home.
Kevin was also really happy to get his first beer. Yea, you read that right, but it isn't what you think. When we first got there it was lunch time so we got sausages and beers. Well Kevin knows what a beer is so he asked my mom for some. She let him stick his finger in the top of her beer. He never actually tasted it, just let it drip down his fingers. But after that he wanted to stick his fingers in everyones beer. But when we were walking by one of the booths they had these little stuffed beers. A few years ago when Steve went to Oktoberfest in Germany he had brought me back one, and at Wurstfest they had little mini ones. Jokingly I thought it would be funny to get Kevin one, so my Mom did. He got a little beer keyring that sings and then belches. You can see it in many photos. He wanted to carry it everywhere.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Silly monkey!
Well Kevin did a few funny things today one was climbing on his dresser see the photo below.
Another funny was when he was watching Dora and said Aww Man at the same time swiper the fox said it. He said it so clearly and with such conviction it was hilarious.
He also began saying his own name today, it sounds a lot like Fevin.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
For Halloween Kevin went as a University of Texas football player, he was so cute! To complete his uniform he did a face dive a few hours before we went trick or treating. So he has a nice skinned up nose to show how rough and tough he is. I originally put him in the uniform I got him, but he hated the shoulder pads. So to prevent a melt down (and to prevent him tearing his uniform apart) I changed him into his other UT jersey. 
Kevin loved this house, the gentleman gave him 10 pieces of candy. He said he would give Kevin as many pieces as he could count. It was funny that at piece 7 the guy went to hand him more and Kevin stared at him in disbelief and at his own hands which were already full from the other pieces. Kevin had no problem giving me the pieces though so he could get more.

He rode in the wagon as we walked around trick or treating. For a split second his put his helmet on, and then if was off again. :-)
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