It is amazing just how fast time flies. I can't believe Kevin has been with us for over a month now! At his one month doctor's visit he weighed in at 10 pounds and 9 ounces, he is now 21 1/2 inches long. Our little guy is getting bigger every day!
We also had a wonderful Christmas. Kevin was able to meet alot of his extended family, although he seemed to sleep through much of it. :)
Kevin is now also beginging to sleep longer at night, which makes me very happy! We still are getting up at 3 and 4 in the morning to eat, but afterwards he is usually content with cuddling until he falls back asleep.
He is still getting pretty upset each evening around 6pm, but if you are holding him he doesn't get as upset. But if you put him down he will let you know just how unhappy he is.
On Kevin's one month birthday Steve did take some photos. The photos were taken during Kevin's fussy time, so it was a bit difficult to get some of them. But after a few hours and a much needed bottle he settled down.